woensdag 25 november 2015

Camino Primitivo

A tastfull impression on the Camino Primitivo, the first of the camino's.
This one is from Antonio Navarro Martinez.



The Pilgrims Gaze spotted three presentations from Antonio
on his camino travels:
Camino Primitivo (this one)

Camino Ingles the beautiful

Nice pictures on the Camino Ingles
departing from Ferrol and heading to Santiago de Compostela. 

Walked it? Then you'll remember.
Didn't? Here's how to get appetite.
Presentation from Antonio Navarro Martinez.



The Pilgrims Gaze spotted three of the presentations from Antonio.
Camino Ingles (this one)

Camino Baztanés

Walking from Bayone to Pamplona, this is the Camino Baztanés.
Again beautiful photographs from Antonio Navarro Martinez.
This is a route still undiscovered, please don't distribute this presentation ;-)



The Pilgrims Gaze spotted three of the presentations from Antonio.
Camino Baztanés (this one)

dinsdag 24 november 2015

Sacred Journeys

Sometimes one of the sister blogs points to the other.

So I would like to point to Pilgrimage and Place for the documentary series from Bruce Feiler on Sacred Journeys.

in Lourdes,
on the Shikoku,
in Jerusalem,
in Mecca,
on the Kumbh Mela
and Osun Osogbo in Central Africa.

Both Pilgrimage and Place as The Pilgrims Gaze are blogs by me.

Pilgrimage and place has no unique focus on film, documentary and youtube movies but also looks at more background subjects regarding pilgrimage and place. So also expect more stuff on spirituality, on poetry, on pilgrimage to a bench or a grave....

Both have the possibility to leave your email so you'll get an update as soon as new items are added.

donderdag 19 november 2015

Rota Vicentina

Perhaps not an official camino, this fishermens trail in the south of Portugal.
But a very enjoyable and scenic route to walk.

"Rota Vicentina is a long distance path along the Sw coast of Portugal, between the city of Santiago do Cacém and the Cape of St. Vincent, totalling 350 km to walk along one of the most beautiful and best preserved coast lines of southern Europe."



zondag 15 november 2015

Peace all the way to Jerusalem

Follow Mony and Alberto on their walking for peace pilgrimage to Jerusalem. See their story and pictures here.

Their website also provides more info on other aspects of the journey.

Canterbury trail UK (trailer)

This is a trailer for a documentary
of a priest walking the Canterbury trail in the UK.
The way of Thomas Becket in South-East England.

As you perhaps know Canterbury is the start of the Via Francigena to Rome.


To Be A Pilgrim

Just two guys

Just two guys on their way, following the Camino Frances
and onwards to Finisterre.
Spinning staffs on the way.

Besides their pleasure you'll see lot's of memories.

Martin Koubek


Camino Português

Walk along the coastal route of the Camino Português starting in Porto, and continuing some more days to Finisterre.

Sceneries, churches, people, nature, roads, bridges, wildlife, villages, streams... 


Petra Banus


woensdag 11 november 2015

Korean father-son adventure on the Camino Francés

Father and son walking the Camino Francés.
The talk of the town.

By 서정균  ;-)



maandag 9 november 2015

Camino Primitivo as it is!

Personal impression from Isabelle Jørgensen
from her 2014 Camino Primitivo. 

Think you'll like it.


Camino Primitivo

A documentary from DesdeAsturias on the Camino Primitivo, starting in Oviedo and hitting the Camino Frances and finally Santiago de Compostela.

If you walked it, you'll recognize the places and scenery along the route!

(Spanish comments)



Hospitaleros, long trailer Hospitaleros Welcome

This trailer from the documentary Hospitaleros Welcome gives you an introduction to volunteering hospitaleros on the Camino de Santiago.



The complete DVD is for sale at this website from Freehighway.

Another documentary from this filmmaker,
The Way of St James, not a path of roses
This is the trailer.



zondag 8 november 2015

Reason and change

Nick Porter walked a camino and talked to several pilgrims from all over,
why are you walking?
Nice remarks on the ever changing landscapes,
even within the same day walks.


Historical Camino de Santiago

On the Filmoteca Espanola Tania Perez from the American Pilgrims on the Camino spotted a documentary on the Camino de Santiago.

Black and white

Visit several places starting in Roncesvalles,
see the empty roads...

Use the script to access specific places directly.

Couldn't find statistics from 1955 that quick, but graph below shows some numbers for earlier 1970-ties.
Yes, it must have been different compared to today.

dinsdag 3 november 2015

Compostela Field of stars

Again a beautiful documentary on the camino.
Compostela, Field of stars.

Meet the people and stories they met!

Directed by Lee Hanggab and Choi Yunjoung

The Camino Frances documentary style

Another impression from the Camino Frances.
Elliott Couch walking his 2014 way.
500 miles, 31 days, 5 minutes.

The temple of the stars

The Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago)
The Temple of the Stars - Full Documentary

The story from origins to today...

Planet doc
